Table of Contents

1 Introduction

About the CodeWarrior IDE

IDE User Guide Overview

Read the Release Notes!

Manual Conventions

Typographical Conventions

Host Conventions

Figure Conventions

Keyboard Conventions

CodeWarrior Year 2000 Compliance

New in This Release

Rapid Application Development Tools

New Command

IDE Customization

Key Binding Improvements

Project Import/Export with XML

Debugger Auto-Variables View

User-Defined Trees in Access Paths

Project Window Improvements

Where To Go From Here

QuickStart and Tutorials

Targeting Documentation

2 Getting Started

System Requirements


Mac OS



CodeWarrior IDE Installation

Programming Concepts

Creating Input Files

Generating the Software

Debugging and Refining

An Introduction to the CodeWarrior IDE

Projects and Targets

Source Code Editing and Browsing

Compiling and Linking

Project Debugging

Rapid Application Development

Version Control


Customizing the IDE

Working with Third-Party Tools

3 Working with Projects

Guided Tour of the Project Window

Navigating the Project Window

Project Window Toolbar

Files View

Design View

Link Order View

Targets View

Creating a New Project

Types of Project Files

Choosing a Project Stationery File

Naming Your New Project

Using the New Project dialog box

Modifying Your New Project

Building Your New Project

Working with Project Stationery

About Project Stationery

About the Project Stationery Folder

Creating Your Own Project Stationery

Importing Makefiles into Projects (Windows)

Using the Makefile Importer Wizard

Makefile Importer Options

Opening an Existing Project

Using the Open Command

Using the Open Recent Command

Using the Project Window to Open Subprojects

Opening Project Files Created on Other Host Platforms

Opening Project Files from Earlier IDE Versions

Saving a Project

Items Saved with Your Project

Saving a Copy of Your Project

Closing a Project

Choosing a Default Project

Managing Files in a Project

Expanding and Collapsing Groups

Selecting Files and Groups

Adding Files

Moving Files and Groups

Creating Groups

Removing Files and Groups

Renaming Groups

Touching and Untouching Files

Working with Complex Projects

What is a Build Target?

What is a Subproject?

What is a Design?

Strategy for Creating Complex Projects

Creating a New Build Target

Changing a Build Target Name

Changing the Build Target Settings

Setting the Current Build Target

Creating Build Target Dependencies

Assigning Files to Build Targets

Creating Subprojects Within Projects

Examining Project Information

Moving a Project

Importing and Exporting a Project

Controlling Debugging in a Project

Activating Debugging for a Project

Activating Debugging for a File

Adding Preprocessor Symbols to a Project

4 Working with Files

Creating a New File

Opening an Existing File

Opening Files from the File Menu

Opening Files from the Project Window

Opening Files from an Editor Window

Opening a Related File

Saving a File

Closing a File

Closing One File

Closing All Files

Printing a File

Setting Print Options

Printing a Window

Reverting to a Previously-Saved File

Comparing and Merging Files & Folders

File Comparison and Merge Overview

Choosing Files To Compare

Examining and Applying Differences

Choosing Folders To Compare

5 Editing Source Code

Guided Tour of the Editor Window

Text Editing Area

Interface Pop-Up Menu

Routine Pop-Up Menu

Marker Pop-Up Menu

Options Pop-Up Menu

VCS Pop-Up Menu

File Path Caption

Dirty File Marker

Pane Splitter Controls

Line Number Button

Toolbar Disclosure Button

Path Pop-Up Menu (Mac OS)

Editor Window Configuration

Setting Text Size and Font

Seeing Window Controls

Splitting the Window into Panes

Saving Editor Window Settings

Basic Text Editing

Basic Editor Window Navigation

Adding Text

Deleting Text

Selecting Text

Moving Text (Drag and Drop)

Using Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear

Balancing Punctuation

Shifting Text Left and Right

Undoing Changes

Controlling Color

Navigating the Text

Finding a Routine

Adding, Removing, and Selecting a Marker

Opening a Related File

Going to a Particular Line

Using Go Back and Go Forward

Configuring Editor Commands

Opening a File's Directory (Mac OS)

Online References

Finding Symbol Definitions

WinHelp (Windows)

QuickHelp (Mac OS)

QuickView (Mac OS)

THINK Reference (Mac OS)

Inserting Routine (Reference) Templates (Mac OS)

HyperHelp (Solaris)

6 Searching and Replacing Text

Guided Tour of the Find Dialog Box

Find and Replace Section

Multi-File Search Section

Searching for Selected Text

Finding and Replacing Text in a Single File

Finding Search Text

Controlling Search Range in a Single File

Controlling Search Parameters

Searching with Special Characters

Replacing Found Text

Using Batch Searches

Finding and Replacing Text in Multiple Files

Activating Multi-File Search

Choosing Files to be Searched

Saving a File Set

Removing a File Set

Controlling Search Range in Multiple Files

Using Regular Expressions (grep)

Special Operators

Using Regular Expressions

7 Browsing Source Code

Activating the Browser

Understanding the Browser Strategy

Contents View

Browser View

Hierarchy View

Guided Tour of the Browser

Browser Contextual Menu

Contents Window

Browser Window

Multi-Class Hierarchy Window

Single-Class Hierarchy Window

Symbol Window

Browser Menu

Browser Wizards

New Class Wizard

New Member Function Wizard

New Data Member Wizard

Using the Browser

Setting Browser Options

Identifying Symbols in the Browser Database

Navigating Code in the Browser

Browsing Across Subprojects

Completing Symbols

Opening a Source File

Seeing a Declaration

Seeing a Routine Definition

Editing Code in the Browser

Analyzing Inheritance

Finding Functions That Are Overrides

Viewing MFC and PowerPlant Classes

Saving a Default Browser

8 Configuring IDE Options

Preferences Guided Tour

Preference Panels

Dialog Box Buttons

Choosing Preferences

General Preferences

Editor Preferences

Debugger Preferences

Customizing the IDE

Dialog Box Buttons

Customizing Commands

Customizing Key Bindings

Customizing Toolbars

9 Configuring Target Options

Target Settings Guided Tour

Settings Panels

Dialog Box Buttons

Choosing Target Settings

Target Configurations

Code Generation Configurations

Linker Configurations

Editor Configurations

Debugger Configurations

10 Compiling and Linking

Choosing a Compiler

Understanding Plug-in Compilers

Setting a File Extension

Compiling and Linking a Project

Compiling Files

Setting Link Order

Updating a Project

Making a Project

Enabling Debugging

Running a Project

Debugging a Project

Generating a Link Map

Synchronizing Modification Dates

Removing Object Code

Advanced Compile Options

Using Precompiled or Preprocessed Headers

Creating Precompiled Headers

Defining Symbols For C/C++

Defining Symbols For Pascal

Preprocessing Source Code

Disassembling Source Code

Guided Tour of the Message Window

Using the Message Window

Seeing Errors and Warnings

Stepping Through Messages

Correcting Compiler Errors and Warnings

Correcting Linker Errors

Correcting Pascal Circular References

Saving and Printing the Message Window

Locating Errors in Modified Files

Special Library Options (Mac OS)

Import Weak

Initialize Before

Merge Into Output

11 Debugging Source Code

Symbolics Files

Preparing for Debugging

Setting Up a Build Target for Debugging

Setting Up a File for Debugging

Generating Symbolics Information

Using the Debugger

Guided Tour of the Debugger

Stack Crawl Window

Source Code Browser Window

Auto-Variables View

Debugger Contextual Menu

Expressions Window

Global Variables Window

Breakpoints Window

Watchpoints Window

Log Window

Variable Window

Array Window

Memory Window

Register Windows

Processes Window

Basic Debugging

Starting Up

Running, Stepping, and Stopping Code

Navigating Code



Viewing and Changing Data

Editing Source Code


How Expressions are Interpreted

Using Expressions

Example Expressions

Expression Syntax


General Problems

Problems Launching the Debugger

Problems Running/Crashing the Debugger

Problems with Breakpoints

Problems with Variables

Problems with Source Files

Debugger Error Messages

12 RAD Designs and Layouts

About RAD

CodeWarrior RAD Tools

Class Authoring

Component Model

Creating RAD Projects

RAD Wizards

Java Applet Wizard

Java Application Wizard

Java Bean Wizard

Working with Designs

Adding Designs to a Project

Design View in the Project Window

Designs in the Targets View

Working with Layouts

13 RAD Layout Editing

Layout Editor

Creating a Layout

Modifying a Layout

Layout Wizards

Java Frame Wizard

Component Palette

Component Palette Toolbar

Catalog Pop-up Menu

Component Tools

Component Catalog window

Component Catalog Toolbar

Catalog Pane

Component Pane

Component Catalog Contextual Menu

Creating Component Catalogs

Object Inspector

Object Pop-up Menu

Properties Tab

Events Tab

Object Inspector Contextual Menu

14 RAD Components

Java AWT Components

Java Swing Components

Component Editors

Menu Editor

Pop-up Menu Editor

15 RAD Browsing

Browser Window RAD Features

Tab Control

Properties View

Methods View

Events View

RAD Windows

New Property Window

New Method Window

New Event Set Window

New Event Set wizard

New Event Window

16 Using CodeWarrior IDE with Version Control Systems

Using Version Control Systems

Commercially Available VCS Plug-ins

Activating VCS Operations

Installing VCS Software

Activating VCS Software

Accessing VCS Features

VCS Menu

Version Control Login Window

VCS Pop-up

Project Window

VCS Messages Window

Common VCS Operations

Getting a File's Status

Modifying a Checked In File

Dealing with `ckid' Resources (Mac OS)

Other Operations

17 CodeWarrior Reference

IDE Menu Reference

File Menu

Edit Menu

Search Menu

Project Menu

Debug Menu

Data Menu

Browser Menu

Window Menu

Layout Menu

Version Control System (VCS) Menu

Help Menu

Java Exceptions Submenu

Toolbar Submenu

Apple Menu (Mac OS)

Tools Menu (Mac OS)

Scripts Menu (Mac OS)

Editor Extensions Menu (Mac OS)

Info Menu (Solaris)

IDE Default Key Bindings

Mac OS, Solaris, and Linux Modifier Key Legend

File Menu

Edit Menu

Search Menu

Project Menu

Debug Menu

Data Menu

Browser Menu


Editor Commands


Layout Menu

Window Menu

A Solaris and Linux Utilities

Copy Files Accessory

Source File/Directory Selection

Currently Selected Files/Directories

Destination Directory Selection

File Systems Facility

The File Systems Dialog Box

The File System Options Dialog Box

Keyboard Preferences Dialog Box

B Perl Scripts

Installing the Perl Software Plug-ins


Mac OS

Configuring the Perl Target Settings Panel

Perl Scripting

Special Considerations

StdIn Usage

Avoiding Link Errors


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Copyright © 1999, Metrowerks Corp. All rights reserved.

Last updated: May 24, 1999 * Chris Magnuson * John Roseborough